Sunday, March 10, 2013

Journey around the Sea of Galilea

We spent our first night at the Kibbutz hotel on the shores of the Sea of Gallilee... and the hospitality is just lovely here. The Jewish people we've met so far are gracious and are thrilled for us visiting their country. With the help of our excellent tour guide Arie, the scriptures come alive at each site we visit! First stop? The Mount of Beatitudes where Jesus gave his famous "Sermon on the Mount". People from all around the world were there on the hillside and in the church sanctuary preaching the Word of God and singing Praises to Him. Our hearts were full as we envisioned Jesus ministering there.Ceasarea Philippi was most impacting as we reflected on Jesus asking of His disciples "who do you say that I am?" Also at this site, we had a visual impact moment knowing it was at this site Jesus said to Peter.."Upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail.." referring to FAITH in Him. It was at this site, seeing the cave where pagan sacrifices were made to the god of Pan... the cave was literally seen as the "Gates of Hell", Jesus taught that His kingdom would have dominion over all.

Other stops? Tel Dan, Capernaum, Tagba (location of Jesus feeding the 5000) and the breathtaking boat ride on the Sea of Galilea. Everyday is an adventure, a journey of faith! We even bumped into the tour group from Breakforth Canada at Tel Dan which was so exciting as we recognized some other fellow Canadians making their pilgrimage to the Holy Land as well:) Tomorrow we have three of our ladies getting baptized in the Jordan River and we spent some time hearing their stories of faith and their testimony of Jesus at work in their lives! The rest of us will join them in celebration with reaffirmation of our own faith in Christ as well! SHALOM!

p.s. (The internet is not strong here at our hotel- so our daily posts may not be long. Will try and post each day but will add more when back home!)


  1. Wonderful pictures of the tour group. Next stop, beautiful Jerusalem.

  2. We can only imagine how God is speaking to each of you as you walk where Jesus walked. Thank you for sharing the pictures and your story. We feel like we are experiencing a small portion of it along with you as we see the pictures and read the blog. May you blessed beyond what you can ask or imagine. On behalf of all the women on the journey back in Saskatchewan......Love and prayers, Maureen
